Friday, March 27, 2009

Sound Off...

We are your sounding board. What does that mean? If you hear anything and wonder, "Is that right or true?" then you can call us at 830-9685 and we will honestly and unbiasedly walk you through your question(s) or scenario(s). In this process it is helpful (even critical) to have someone to bounce things off of and walk you through this process. That is a big part of what we do.

As an example, we had a potential client call us because they had heard from someone else that they may not be able to do a particular program with every lender. Not only was it misleading, but flat out wrong. We were able to educate her as to the realities of what she could and could not do. This is critical because you do not want to get bad advice that causes you to go into a direction that is not best for you.

So here we are, use us...

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