Thursday, April 2, 2009

Protesting Property Taxes

If you are one of many in a situation where your property taxes have recently (in the last couple of years) gone up some ridiculous amount then you need to be aware of a couple of things.

1. May 1, 2009 is the deadline to protest any increase. If you have questions on how to do that you can call us, look at the back of your "Notice of Value" that you would have already received, or call 505-222-3700.

2. We found a company helping you fight the City. They are Double Eagle Property Tax & Real Estate. Contact Dave Boyd at 883-1414. The way they work is they will "negotiate" with the City what they feel your tax rate should be based on other properties in your area. They charge you nothing if they fail. If they succeed, and they say it works the majority of the time, you owe them 20% of whatever the amount they saved you is. For example, if they save you $1,000 in taxes then you owe them $200. It is worth the fight, believe me, if they can save you that money. So go get 'em

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