Thursday, October 28, 2010

OK, We're Not Perfect...

We had an "incident" yesterday that made us think we should blog about it.

We really have worked hard to build a business based on trust and honesty. We never have claimed perfection, but always strive for excellence. That does not mean mistakes are not made, but it is a reflection of how we are going to handle those mistakes. We are never going to make excuses for mistakes we make. We are going to admit those errors and aggressively pursue any way possible to make it right.

Yesterday, upon reviewing the HUD for a closing the next day, we realized that we forgot to change something on the loan for the borrower that we had said we would. It was no minor oversight on our part. So what do you do at that point? Well, you don't start making excuses. You admit what you did to the client and tell them what you are doing to rectify the problem. Then you follow through and get it done immediately.

This is what we did on this file (and any others we have messed up on). True client focused service is often most reflected in how you handle adversity. We strive for nothing short of excellence in this and all areas.

Here is an email we received from the lender regarding the handling of this particular issue:

Thank you! There are so many people out there who (in the same situation) look for (invent) any reason to place the blame on the lender, get upset, and demand that we rush it. This really makes a bad day for everyone involved and inevitably causes delays in underwriting and closing.

Therefore, I wanted to let you all know how impressed I was with how Kim and Brian handled the situation given the fact that the goof was on your company’s end. She admitted it upfront and Brian was there to send everything to me as soon as I needed it. I know there was some panicking but regardless, you all were very polite which gave me time do what I needed to do to . You have no idea how much I appreciate that so I wanted to take a minute to say thanks as well.

We absolutely hate it when we screw up. But when it happens, and it will happen, we are going to do all we can to make people so happy with us that they just want to tell others what we did to fix the issue. We trust this is the case with this borrower.

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